From the heart..Part 2

7:16 AM / Posted by Three stooges /

Hello everybody. this few days has been an interesting days to me and to my friends. There are a lot of things happened. Me with the orang utan at the with the …..Oh wow. I never compete with this animal before but I’m going to confessed ..this orang utan was very strong than I am..And for those who knows my experience..please don’t tell this to anyone…And there is a misunderstanding happened…..And I intend to rectify this situation..For the last few days ..I wrote about someone…A girl among us…a girl that I …..But someone …and this someone thought this story ..this girl is …actually this woman …is…..herself..sorry ..NO..NO..NO..NO..NO…I am not talking about you…I am not writing this for you ,..and the card is definitely not for you…AND I DON’T KNOW WHY YOU SMS’ED ME ..…YOU’VE GOT THE WRONG GUY..its for someone else….I used the words NEW TEACHER…or to be precise..temporary teacher...Its funny you know....We picked the name GILA BAYANG for our blog..and this is what happened to some of us..But I don’t think I am one of know between reality and ….Whats the word.?????Sorry I guess I forgot what is the suitable word…and I think you know what is the opposite word for reality..because you are full of with it…..AND TO ARI..THANKS FOR THE GOOD ADVISE..THANKS GIRL..I REALLY …REALLY NEEDED THAT..YOU WERE RIGHT..YUP ITS UP TO ME ..NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND…I NEED TO ACT FAST..CAUSE THE CLOCK ITS TICKING..AND NEXT WEEK WILL BE THE LAST ONE..AND MAYBE I WILL NOT SEE HER AGAIN THE NEXT TIME….ONCE AGAIN THANK YOU...Life is interesting..if you know how..And I want to make my life that way…Or maybe this will be another memory…..memory that does not belong to me…I hope not…Wow..i never expect this will happened to us..We developed this blog just for fun..and there are so many things happened because of it…Some of them are..positive things and some of them are not so good..For those who did not like our blog..please don’t HATE US…Well I guess this is life..Sometimes you have to face good things and sometimes its …..yeah you know…bad things…Nobodys perfect..all this make me realise..that.. I am an ordinary human being after all…just like the rest of us..Its…its GREAT to have that kind of feeling…………makes me feel better…….and hopefully tomorrow will be there for us ..waiting for us..with so many interesting things…INSYALLAH…….for tomorrow there will be something………..!!!!!!!!!!! so please wipe up all the tears………………………………………………………


Anonymous on November 8, 2008 at 10:00 AM

LAWAK...LAWAK.....It better meet face 2 face bahhh....It make you feel better . Hopely u happy 4ever...

Anonymous on November 8, 2008 at 11:39 AM

Lawak? Which part yg lawak?
Actly aku tak nak komen lagi for any entry lagi ba...tapi biarlah...
Ohya, mana satu yg lawak?
Hello guys! Man! who call his self macho...jganlah buat benda2 macam ni sebagai bahan lawak...
AKu ni perempuan juga.. i can feel wat she feelll rite now...I knw lah dia "TER"salah sangka..namanya pun "TER"..itu silap dia..

Tapi 4 me lah..i prefer lelaki yang gentle..yg hormat perasaan wanita..Jgnlah buat cerita ni open2ba..pakai blog lagi..pakai internet lagi..hehhehe i knwlah zaman sudah berubah, negara sudah maju..Kalau boleh biar hati dan diri sendiri saja yg tahu...

Anonymous on November 8, 2008 at 3:20 PM

Ya.. u really have to act fast. always remember that time and tide wait for no man. hope to hear the good news from u very soon.

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