just wanna to say something...

8:50 PM / Posted by Three stooges /

hello folks...i really am boring right now...and i just found this lap top with internet connection and i just log in and try to write something..who knows may be some day..I will be a good writer...just like my favourite author..John Grisham...And i still remember.my English lecturer told me that i have talent in creative writing..she also told me to do more practice.but i never listened to her....she told us to write every day to improve our proficeincy ..did I spell it right....in English...write a journal..a diary or something..but i never followed her advise..I never write..not a single word..but then we created this blog and I think ..it is a good opportunity for me to write something...to express my self..to share my thoughts...makes me feel like i am an editor from a very popular newspaper...nah ..its just a dream...like a painting in my mind..we have so many dreams..some of them become reality..some of them are not....so how are we going to change this dreams to reality????...I have so many dreams..so many paintings in my mind..And ..i managed to turn some of these dream into reality...but still they are many dreams..many paintings... still stay the same....This long holidays i will try to energize myself...try ..what is the term..they used..oh ya..turning a new leaf...before this year 2008 ends...What did i accomplish this year .well not much..but still i am satisfied with some of them...so hopefuly next year there will be a new opportunity, new whatever.....but they said we can make our own luck..really..it up to us to control our lives..that what they said in one of the book i had read..yeah..thats right..guys..but it is easier said than done...so hopefully somedays all this dreams..all this paintings..will become reality.......


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